Go Fish! Hawai’i
Go Fish! Hawai’i


"Do you have any humuhumunukunukuapua'a?"

All the fun of the perennial favorite, Go Fish!, with a new twist!  You have to ask for the fish by their Hawaiian names!

And if you thought humuhumunukunuku-a-pua'a was bad . . . . . just wait until you try to wrap your tongue around lau'wiliwilinukunuku'oi'oi!

Hilarity soon ensues.

Or, you can take the high road and ask for the Fantail Filefish, or Pervagor spilosoma, or "the spotted fish with the pink lips and the horn on its head."

Any way you play it, it's fun and educational for players of all ages.



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Sharks! Reefer Magnets
Sharks! Reefer Magnets

Yikes!  Sharks!

All shapes & sizes, from the benevolent whale shark to the toothy little black-tip reef shark!

Each 8 X 10-inch sheet includes seven individual shark magnets, including the (gulp) great white, ready to be peeled off and applied to any magnetic surface: refrigerators, lockers, steel doors so you can create your own feeding frenzy. Beautiful, fun, and educational! Back of Sharks.inddAnd the back of each sheet has detailed information about the life history of each species, along with its significance to Hawaiian life and culture. You can order below. But be forewarned. One may not be enough!


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Great White!
Great White!
What nasty shark lurks in your opponent's hand?
Could it be. . . . .the Great White?
Here's another take on an old game, but in this version of "Old Maid" the card you don't want to get stuck with is the 'Great White!" Fourteen species of sharks are represented in all--some nice and some not so nice. Great fun for anyone willing to play with sharks.


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